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Source of Image: www.visit-mekong.com
I spent around one week to collect the hotels contact from Yellow page-Cambodia and others internet source to make it easy for my marketing activity. That is now it provide the information about some hotel contact in Cambodia. You can find it here and please download below for pdf file.
No | Name | Phone | address | |
1 | Le President Hotel | 023-884968 | le_president@cambotech.com | No.680. Kampuchea Krom (St. 128). 12154. Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh |
2 | Phnom Penh Hotel | 023-991868 | info@phnompenhhotel .com | No. 53. Preah Monivong, 12201. Phnom Penti. Phnom Penh |
3 | Orussey Center (Orussey Hotel) | 023-228877 | orussey_hotel@yaboo.com | Orussey Market. 3rd floor, SangkatOrusseyl, Khan TMakara. 12264, Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh |
4 | Apsara Angkor Hotel | TeL 063964999, Phone . 012882191 | hotel@apsaraaripkor.com | National Road No 6A, Krous Village. Sangkat Say Dangkum. Siem Reap. Siem Reap |
5 | Hotel Cambodiana Phnom Penh | TeL 023426288, TeL 023218189 | info@hotelcambodiana.com | No.313, Sisowath. 12207. Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh |
6 | Royal Angkor Resort | TeL (855)63767555, Mobile Phone (855)92933 333 | sales@rovalanakorresort.com | Highway No. 6, Kaksekam Village, Siem Reap, Siem Reap |
7 | Sunway Hotel Phnom Penh | TeL 023430333 | salesshpp@sunwayhotels.com | No. 1, Daun Penh (Ave. 92), SangkatWatPhnom, 12202. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh |
8 | Angkor Century Resort & Spa | TeL 063963777 | info@anakorcenturv.com | Komay Road. Khum Svay Dangkum. Siem Reap. Siem Reap |
9 | Koh Kong Resort | Mobile Phone 016700970 | info@kohorwesort.com | Phum ChamYeam. Khum Pakiong, Srok Mondoul Seyma. Koh Kong, Koh Kong |
10 | Goid in Stadium Hotel | 023-999939 | info@goldenstadiumhotel.com.kh | No.3,st 70,12201, Phnom Pnh. Phnom Pnh |
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