Strategic Quality Planning

The legacy of the Taylor System

The quality planning at the lower levels influenced by the system management by Frederick W. Taylor. There still has an obstacle for modern process for quality planning at lower levels.
1-Separation of Planning from Execution 
The concept of Taylor was to manage the factories through scientific methods than use empirical “rule of thumb”. The Taylor’s system was stunningly successfully in raising productivity.
2- Expansion into Other Areas
The concept of separating planning of Taylor system was universal in nature and potential application to other areas like production support services, officer operations, and service industries.
3- The side Effects
The line personnel resented the loss of the planning responsibility
The new emphasis on productivity had a negative effect on quality
The planning department and their engineers build vested interest and careers around the planning responsibility
4- Obsolescence of the Premises
The Taylor concept made an obsolete the premise
The concept of separating planning from execution rested on the premise
The balance of power between managers and the workforce
Changing the climate of social thinking
5- The search for a New Approach
Revise anatomy of the processes
Enlarge the scope of jobs horizontally and vertically
Create self-supervising worker teams
Restore much of responsibility for process planning
Establish self-control
Confer a higher sense of “ownership”
Enlarge job responsibilities
Provide training  

Quality Planning for Microprocesses

- Some companies involved with the microprocesses collectively.

1- Define the departmental mission
Some questions asked to address by the supervisors:
Why does this department exist?
What tasks does the department perform?
What purpose should the department be fulfilling?
2- The Triple Role concept
There are three of these roles: Customer, Processor, and Supplier
3- Identify the customers
All the manual stress the importance of identifying the customers. See more on page 369
4- Established customer needs
How is the product used by customers?
How do customers view the relative importance of the various needs?
How do the perceptions of customers differ from the perceptions of the supplying department?
5- Describe the process
For process that involve numerous tasks, preparing such a description for each task along with the subsequent analyses can be quite demanding of the time of the departmental supervisor.
6- Identify the suppliers and the needs from suppliers
All manuals require identification of suppliers and leads to listing what is supplied by these suppliers and what the associated needs are.
7- Establish measures
All manuals mention the need for measures of quality.
8- Established feedback
There are feedback from the customers back to the supervisor’s process
From the supervisor’s process back to the suppliers
9- Review performance, take correction action
The supervisor should:
Collect feedback data on performances
Compare the performance
Identify nonconformance, defects
Take correction action
10- Conduct quality improvements
Specific in certain manuals include
Analyze the cost of poor quality
Identify problems and opportunity for improvement
Select projects to be tackled
Implement the improvements


Juran, J.M. (1992), Juran on Quality By Design: the new steps for planning quality into goods and services. TYC: The Free Press. P. 363-373.

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